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SMSL DP3 un petit lecteur réseau surprenant et performant
(05-02-2020, 07:52 PM)renan a écrit : Poogo
Regarding the crosstalk, I use frequently a crosstalk correction done by Thierry69 on the forum (you can look at
So when I heard the DP3 for the first time on a friend's system, The sound coming from the DP3 was a little bit like the crosstalk correction. In fact it's a kind of stereo enlargment, the sonic scene is larger with the sound kind of out on the left and right of the speakers. This effect is quite sensitive the the cable quality.
This is why I suspected some kind of DSP mode in the DP3.


The expansion of the stereo base in DP3 is done simply: the signal from the main channel with an 18dB level and inverted is mixed into the opposite channel. An old trick, I have it in the 1979 Sanyo M9998 boombox. The problem with DP3 is that this effect is independent of frequency (it must be smaller at low frequencies) and there is strong distortion at the signal peaks (look at my oscillograms). In any case, I think that the player should give a clean, unprocessed signal at the output, and then you can do whatever you want with it.

(05-02-2020, 07:58 PM)renan a écrit : So in fact you told Hiby and SMSL something they already know, if it was done on purpose...

If this is done on purpose, it must have an enable / disable function.
All the same, this is not a toy for $ 20.
(05-02-2020, 08:14 PM)Poogo a écrit : The expansion of the stereo base in DP3 is done simply: the signal from the main channel with an 18dB level and an inverted signal is mixed into the opposite channel. An old trick, I have it in the 1979 Sanyo M9998 boombox. The problem with DP3 is that this effect is independent of frequency (it must be smaller at low frequencies) and there is strong distortion at the signal peaks (look at my oscillograms). In any case, I think that the player should give a clean, unprocessed signal at the output, and then you can do whatever you want with it.

(05-02-2020, 07:58 PM)renan a écrit : So in fact you told Hiby and SMSL something they already know, if it was done on purpose...

If this is done on purpose - it should be able to enable / disable.
All the same, this is not a toy for $ 20.

I agree with you that it's certainly cleaner by suppressing that crosstalk with your firmware. But after DP3 will be like many other streamers.
With that trick it might attrack buyers looking for some sound more vintage or other and you sell more DP3. The market is saturated, to sell you need something different.

What bring you do perform some measurements? what was your first impressions earing the DP3? what was the initial qualities highlighted for the DP3 in the russian forum? I'm curious about how it begun...
Install: ; 
Install secondaire: Le petit système année 70 à Jibolin
Des enceintes et amplis de sono et du Snake-oil en veux tu en voila
Croostalk should be an option which should be enable or deasable by the user.
Serveur & Réseau : QNAP HS-453DX avec LMS, Cat5 1attack, switch Aqvox SE, Hdplex 200
Electroniques & Enceintes : Nano Player V4, Farad Super 3, Job INT & Atohm GT2
Ficelles : Ocellia Référence Silver, Audioprana Ag, LH Audio, TWL 7+, BlackNoise
(05-02-2020, 08:30 PM)renan a écrit :
(05-02-2020, 08:14 PM)Poogo a écrit : The expansion of the stereo base in DP3 is done simply: the signal from the main channel with an 18dB level and an inverted signal is mixed into the opposite channel. An old trick, I have it in the 1979 Sanyo M9998 boombox. The problem with DP3 is that this effect is independent of frequency (it must be smaller at low frequencies) and there is strong distortion at the signal peaks (look at my oscillograms). In any case, I think that the player should give a clean, unprocessed signal at the output, and then you can do whatever you want with it.

(05-02-2020, 07:58 PM)renan a écrit : So in fact you told Hiby and SMSL something they already know, if it was done on purpose...

If this is done on purpose - it should be able to enable / disable.
All the same, this is not a toy for $ 20.

What bring you do perform some measurements? what was your first impressions earing the DP3? what was the initial qualities highlighted for the DP3 in the russian forum? I'm curious about how it begun...

I am not a programmer and not a developer. At the very beginning, I was looking for a budget device that can play high-res audio over the network (all my files are located on two NAS). Of the options, there were only DP3 and a HiFiBerry clone (now I have both). I decided to buy DP3. I liked the sound, but distortion was heard on loud music. The first problem is a small font (I'm a bit blind). The second problem is the inaccessibility of the NAS through the HibyMusic application (I prefer convenience and am ready to sacrifice quality for convenience). I created a topic on our forum and found like-minded people with DP3. I unpacked the firmware and configured it for myself. Member of our forum with the nickname korobkoff recently drew attention to a problem with sound. I disassembled the application in DP3 and found the cause of the problem. It is treated by fixing just one byte, but I searched for this byte for a whole week. I gave a link to our forum, you can read there (google translator will help you). Just be careful with the firmware, on that forum there are versions that replace the bootloader and you can erase your bluetooth MAC address. Nothing terrible will happen, everything will work, but the MAC will be different (generally I advise you to write down your real BT-MAC address, it is visible in the About device menu).
The DP3 firmware that I post here (and on the manufacturer’s website) is safe, they do not replace the bootloader, and if something goes wrong it can always be fixed. In the post above, I wrote how to do this.
Also on our forum there are a lot of technical details on circuitry and repair of DP3.

I’ll add one more pic, this is the Crosstalk chart from original firmware obtained using the Right Mark Audio Analyzer program (excellent program and absolutely free (link)).

On the Сrosstalk graph on the line-out when playing the wave file by the player (white graph) and when playing the same file in DAC-mode (green graph). As you can see, there is no problem in DAC-mode. But when playing the file by the player itself, the problem is obvious (the normal crosstalk of a modern digital device must be <-70dB). This measurement was made by the member of our forum with the nickname korobokoff on the laptop’s built-in sound card, therefore it does not pretend to be accurate, but it reveals the problem.

[Image: post.png]
Well "Bravo" for this work.
Install: ; 
Install secondaire: Le petit système année 70 à Jibolin
Des enceintes et amplis de sono et du Snake-oil en veux tu en voila
Hier j'ai donc chargé la version de notre ami Poogo et installée sur mon DP3 mais trop tardivement pour une écoute que je n'ai réalisé que ce matin début vers 11 h00 arrêt vers 17h00 autant dire que tout était bien chaud.
Les nuances sont avec la version 1.6 de smsl toujours cette sensation physiologique de présence lors de l'écoute avec un résultat très analogique et l'impression d'avoir une image musicale que je qualifierai simplement de totale et ponctuellement un instrument une voix dans cette image qui apparaît le tout étant comme je l'ai déjà dit très addictif.

La version Poogo est complètement nettoyé de cet artifice musical qui consiste a re injecté une partie du signal d'un canal inversé sur le canal opposé avec un affaiblissement de 18db, alors dans mon cas l'image n'est pas moins large et surtout je ne perds pas le coté analogique que j'avais eu immédiatement avec le dp3 en version de base.
Simplement la scène sonore est beaucoup plus propre ne donne plus l'impression d'un brouillard musical qui remplit les zones "neutres" et maintenant que j'ai écouté cette version je ne reviendrai pas sur celle d'origine qui est musicalement ce que je n'aime pas un son que je qualifie de trafiqué pour plaire au plus grand nombre.
Merci à l'équipe Dp3 et Poogo pour ce très bon résultat Audiophile, franchement ce Dp3 c'est bluffant.

Google traduction
Yesterday I therefore loaded the version of our friend Poogo and installed on my DP3 but too late for listening that I only realized this morning at around 11:00 am stop around 5:00 pm as much to say that everything was very hot.
The nuances are with the version 1.6 of smsl always this physiological feeling of presence during the listening with a very analogical result and the impression of having a musical image that I will simply qualify as total and punctually an instrument a voice in this image which appears to be very addictive as I said before.

The Poogo version is completely cleaned of this musical device which consists in re injecting part of the signal of an inverted channel on the opposite channel with a weakening of 18db, then in my case the image is not less wide and especially I do not lose the analog side that I had immediately with the dp3 in basic version.
Simply the sound stage is much cleaner no longer gives the impression of a musical fog which fills the "neutral" areas and now that I have listened to this version I will not go back to the original one which is musically what I do not like a sound that I qualify as tampered with to please as many people as possible.
Thanks to the Dp3 team and Poogo for this very good Audiophile result, Sincerely this Dp3 is Stunning.
Il a l air bien ce dp3? Mieux qu'un bluesound ?
Bonsoir Romain,
Pour avoir écouté les deux mais pas le même système je qualifierai le Dp3 de plus vivant moins neutre mais bon faudrait les comparer en même temps sur le même système.
' surtout je ne perds pas le coté analogique que j'avais eu immédiatement avec le dp3 en version de base....."

C était quand la derniere fois que tu as écouté du vinyle  Big Grin
(05-03-2020, 09:05 PM)Phoebus a écrit : ' surtout je ne perds pas le coté analogique que j'avais eu immédiatement avec le dp3 en version de base....."

C était quand la derniere fois que tu as écouté du vinyle  Big Grin
Très récemment chez moi il y a environ 35 ans  Tongue 
Sinon chez Francis il y a quelques mois mais bon vu que son installation vinyl doit représenter l'équivalent économique de l'ensemble de mon installation complète câbles compris et sachant aussi que j'ai offert la totalité environ 300 vinyls à mon filleul tu comprendras que je botte en touche !!

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