(03-02-2019, 09:26 PM)HiTam a écrit : Oui c'est bien celui là.
Je veux bien d'avantage d'explications concernant l'entrée I2s svp ?
Il faut d’abord se présenter au forum
8 COAX INPUT (COAX 1)Use this input to connect the DAC to the digital output of a source (CD transport, DAT tape, DVDplayer), using a 75 Ohm digital cable provided with RCA connectors (not shipped with the equipment).
9 COAX INPUT (COAX 2)Use this input to connect the DAC to the digital output of a source (CD transport, DAT tape, DVDplayer), using a 75 Ohm digital cable provided with RCA connectors (not shipped with the equipment).
10 OPTICAL INPUT (OPT 1)Use this input to connect the DAC to the digital output of a source (CD transport, DAT tape, DVDplayer), using a digital fiber optic cable (not shipped with the equipment).
11 OPTICAL INPUT (OPT 2)Use this input to connect the DAC to the digital output of a source (CD transport, DAT tape, DVDplayer), using a digital fiber optic cable (not shipped with the equipment).
12 BALANCED INPUT (AES/EBU)Use this input to connect the DAC to the digital output of a source (CD transport, DAT tape, DVDplayer), using a 110 Ohm digital cable provided with XLR connectors (not shipped with theequipment).
13 USB INPUTUse this input to connect the DAC to the USB2.0 port of a computer (PC/MAC) using a certifiedUSB2.0 cable (shipped with the equipment).
I2S DIGITAL INPUTUse this input to connect the DAC to the digital I2S output. (North Star Design CD-Transport). Thisinterface accepts also DSD data
dommage il accepte que le signal digital du lecteur CD de North Star.
Mais tu devras utiliser plutôt la 12 et non la 10/11
Sinon le 13...mais là on rentre dans un autre monde
Enfin tu as la possibilité de utiliser Audirvana dessus