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New member introduction
I am interested in learning more about audio scene in France and other European countries. I had a very good experience with Focal 705V and Focal Aria 905 speakers.
I am also interested in potentially mail ordering some HiFi equipment from Europe.

Nous ont veux des jbl et des klipsch from US.

Install: ; 
Install secondaire: Le petit système année 70 à Jibolin
Des enceintes et amplis de sono et du Snake-oil en veux tu en voila
Welcome and good Zéchanges !!
Ce n'est pas toi qui aimes la Musique... Mais la Musique qui te fait aimer... Thierry.
Mon contexte :
Thank you for your kind words!
Here where I am it is more about NAD, Bluesound, PSB, Totem, Paradigm (to name a few) than JBL or Klipsch.
Salut welcome
La musique participe à la qualité de la vie !
Mais sa présence quotidienne mérite qu'on l'écoute dans de bonnes conditions...... Smile 

Mon truc à moi....

Linn….Cambridge…Cayin…Jean Maurer.  Heart
Thank you!
You will find here a good sample of French and European manufacturers in the members systems. Only for speakers: JMR, PE Leon, Mulidine, Leedh, Focal, Davis, Dynaudio, etc.
Have a look on the "Les installations des membres" thread.
Hello Ivayvr,

Welcome in this french's forum
But were do you come from ?
Where are you leaving ?

Thank you for your interest for audio scene in France and with other european countries : England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Italia, ... and now with east countries of Europe :Hungary, Poland, Czech, ...
(02-11-2018, 05:36 AM)ivayvr a écrit : Thank you for your kind words!
Here where I am it is more about NAD, Bluesound, PSB, Totem, Paradigm (to name a few) than JBL or Klipsch.

You are in Canada?
Install: ; 
Install secondaire: Le petit système année 70 à Jibolin
Des enceintes et amplis de sono et du Snake-oil en veux tu en voila
Last 24 years I was living in Vancouver on the Pacific coast of Canada.
Building model airplanes in all forms and shapes was my main hobby for over 50 years. A few years ago, that hobby was taken over by drones/multicopters and I totally lost interest and eventually abandoned it a few years ago. At least 90% of the planes I ever had were designed and built by me. Buyin them ready made is no fun for me.
Some 35 years ago my brother and I built a few pairs of speakers based on a LS3/5 design (KEF T27-B110) and they were quite good sounding and very decent in appearance.
We also built our own turntables. The platter, sub platter, the bearing and suspension were based on Systemdeck parts (if I remember correctly), the base was a slab of marble, the motor was Thorens and my brother was using Grace 714 and Supex 1000 moving coil and I had Grace 727 and Grace 9E on mine.
After buying my first CD player back in 1987 I really never looked back to vinyl. I know, probably most people stopped reading after the previous sentence.
Currently my system is consisting of: Bluesound Powernode 2, Oppo 980H, Martin Logan LX 16 and NHT Super 8 sub.
It is not perfect but I tend to believe it has a very decent performance/price ratio.

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