(12-03-2019, 02:31 PM)chokapic a écrit : Plutôt pas mal n'est ce pas ??
Ben tout dépend, si tu es fibré avec un abonnement au giga, tu paies trop cher pour être bloqué à 100mo
Mais pour de l'audio effectivement ça devrait suffir. Le problème n'est donc pas le débit.
j'ai lu des trucs sur des problèmes Tidal/Aurender
C'est flashable un aurender ? le tien est à jour ?
Peut-être contacter leur SAV
Citation :@Schw06, I also had similar Aurender and Tidal issues like you described above. I documented my experiences and suggestions in this Audiogon post:
As you can see, it took some time to flush out these issues in my system. In summary, ALL my Tidal Steaming issues were caused by MY computer based environment to include my router, modem, external outside ISP junction box and outside blown ISP amplifier. My ISP Technical corrected my out of range signal cable signal and also replaced my in house coaxial cables and their connections. My suggestions near the end of the above linked post recommend a complete power down (remove any batteries in your modem) of all components for 2 minutes (modems and routers need to be reset). Unfortunately, I experienced a broken Apple Extreme router (junked and replaced) and other ISP components that needed repair. My system was also working fine for while, exactly like yours, and then I started experiencing Tidal steaming issues.
My system is steaming Tidal fine now and I have zero issues. I also upgraded my ISP service from 100 mpbs to 250 mpbs and this greatly improved my streaming for Tidal, Netflix and Amazon movies.
Unfortunately, it is not an easy process and requires patience to verify all your components are working. Your ISP should be able to help, if needed. I hope my above comments and suggestions help. And, please do not get frustrated.
There is one more thing. Please confirm you are running the most current Aurender software (Go to Settings and confirm). This also means you have to DELETE the Aurender Conductor App from your iPad and reinstall it to ensure it is current (a less than 5 minute process).