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Bryston SST3

Voici une annonce au CES plutôt sympathique pour les amoureux de la marque:

[Image: Bryston-Cubed-Series-Amps-CES-2016-03-Custom.jpg]


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Mode d'emploi des 7B cubed :


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Propos de James Tanner:

"Bryston Cubed Differences

I can explain the differences and the thinking behind the 3 or Cubed Series amps, but it's a bit complex and long-winded, sorry:‎

A few years ago, we had a review in a Swedish magazine that pronounced the 14B SST2 to be 'perfect'. That was not based on 'he liked it'; it had nothing to do with auditory preference, it had to do with transparency. The reviewer had and still has a setup where he can literally 'bypass' an amplifier to drop it out of the signal path, (dummy speaker load, gain-reduction L-pad, leading to a second amplifier to the speakers). The 14B SST2 turned out to be impossible to detect in the signal path, on any signal they tried, from simple guitar music to full orchestra ffff, to an electronic metronome with instant rise time and no overshoot. And it was the first audio device in his history to do so.

That does not mean the amplifier is actually 'perfect', of course. It just means that it is not contributing, (or subtracting), anything the ear can detect, to or from the signal path in an otherwise exemplary system.

From that result and many others of our own, we concluded that static distortion measurements do not tell the whole story. It would seem that if static THD and IMD are low enough, 0.001% or -100dB, they cease to be relevant factors in the transparency of the device. ‎More important are time smear, deviations in frequency-response, dynamic distortions, noise within the device or from RF interference, etc.

Thus we did not introduce our new 'Salomie' input stage (which we received a patent on) simply to reduce static distortion. Our newest 'Cubed Series' amplifiers do have lower THD and IMD than the 'Squared Series' that preceded them but not significantly so. They measure out at about 0.001% or a bit below, over almost the entire frequency band. However, and we consider this to be most important, they are quieter and more musically accurate in a number of ways; First, the 20-20K noise is reduced, but the new input stage has far better PSRR, or power-supply rejection ratio. This means hash on the power-supply is rejected, in this case by more than 140dB. The input stage also has much better CMRR, or common-mode rejection. That means it rejects noise coming in on the signal cable much more completely than before. These are dynamic issues that can show up in a real-world system completely apart from static THD and IMD.

In addition to the above, the new Cubed Series employs highly effective RF rejection in the power supplies, which traps and eliminates radio-frequency hash from either interfering with or emanating from the amplifier via the power cable or signal cables.

The audible improvements we realized with these approaches are rather subtle. They would have to be with amps that started out 'perfect' in at least one reviewer's description, but they show up from very low listening levels, almost whisper-quiet, where the silences are more inky-black than before. It's almost an unconscious realization. They amps also cope better with dirt and hash of all kinds on the power cord, from distorted 60Hz Voltage to RF. Thus the quiet middle-of-the-night listening is even more relaxing and emotionally accessible. The depth of the soundstage and the precision of instrument placement is closer to reality than ever before. ‎

Of course, that's what it really boils down to; recreating the original musical experience in your home. The 'you are there' feeling. It's what we have been pursuing from day one, and are still focused on. The Cubed Series is closer than ever. 

February 2016


Bryston 4B3 (Cubed) stereo amplifier

“For me, the most important electronics introduced at CES 2016 were Bryston’s new Cubed amplifiers.


The 2.5B³, 3B³, and 4B³ stereo amps and 7B³, 14B³, and 28B³ monoblocks are all direct replacements of earlier, similarly named Squared models introduced eight years ago, the names of all of which end with the suffix SST2. (For this new line, Bryston has decided to ditch SST and simply close the superscript 3 up to the B³.

Bryston’s SST2 models have long been held in high regard including by SoundStage! Network writers -- each model offers exceptional sound quality at a very reasonable price, and is backed by a 20-year warranty. And Bryston has a sterling reputation for fixing everything they make, no questions asked. (I’ve run across many companies that offer long warranties, but refuse to fix a problem if they can find a way to blame the buyer for it.)

The Cubed models are purported to sound and measure even better than the Squareds, mainly because of a new, patented input stage that Bryston claims reduces the Squared models’ levels of distortion by 90%. The rejection of common-mode and EMI/RFI noise are also said to be improved. And the Cubeds’ front panels look better than the Squareds’

To me, the sweet spot of Bryston’s Squared line was the 4BSST2 stereo amp -- its power outputs of 300Wpc into 8 ohms or 500Wpc into 4 ohms are enough for most situations, and its retail price is low enough that many serious audiophiles on a budget can afford it.

For me, the 4BSST2 has always been a great benchmark to judge other amps against -- which is why, for a couple of years, my reference system included one. Now there’s the 4B³, with the same specified power outputs and the improvements noted above. Given that the new models are all basically the same as the old, I suspect that the 4B³ will remain the sweet spot in the new line.

As I write this, none of the prices for the Cubed models have been set. But if Bryston’s prices for the new series remain in line with its past products, I suspect that the 4B³ will not cost much more than the previous model -- in which case it should represent at least as good a value as its predecessor.”

Doug Schneider

Hi James

We received our new 4B Cubed this week.


We replaced out 4B SST-2 in our reference system.

If I compare the new 4B-3 (Cubed) and 4B SST 2, the advantages of the new Cubed series right out of the box are:

•    More spacious and airy
•    The high end frequencies are more softer
•    Better image
•    More depth
•    A low bass even stronger and faster
A pure delight !
Jacques Dube
Audition Veritable

[b]undefined Logged[/b]

[b]Hi James,

I'm loving the way the new Cubed amplifiers looks, I think it's a nice change.


Although I still have not had time to go back to 7B squared's, will do that today.

The new 4B Cubed sounds more delicate, open, airy and transparent than how I remember the SST2's sounded.

In terms of tonal balance (very neutral), bass control and low noise I'm not sure if there are any improvements but I don't think the previous Bryston amps needed any improvements in those departments anyways.

I'm using the 4B with some uber high-end gear from CH Precision and Tenor and have it driving the Magico S7's and it certainly is feeling right at home with its accompanying components that are priced at 10x the new 4B cubed.

I'll give you some more details once I go back to the 7B squared's.


Un essai du 14B SST 3:

on sent que tu apprécie cette marque tonton ! Big Grin

blague à part, c'est à mon sens justifié. Bryston c'est du sérieux ! d'ailleurs Magnepan utilise fréquemment leurs amplis pour les démos dans les salons. Wink
système hifi : magnepan MG1.7,xindak  pa1,yamaha s2000,marantz ud7007,denon 3520EX, gustard P26, project debut carbon, cambridge audio 551P
système HC :  TCL mini led 85C805, panasonic DP-UB9000, Zidoo uhd3000,DALI ikon mk2, FOCAL Sib evo, DENON AVR X4500H
système casque : hifiman edition Xv2,schiit magni 3
Salut Wink

Oui suis un peu accro Big Grin 
Je vais certainement faire l'upgrade de mes blocs sst 2 en "cubed" lorsqu'ils auront pu avoir toutes les autorisations administratives légales.
Mes d'ors et déjà la marque n'arrive plus à fournir tellement l'engouement est grand Shy

Un essai complet du 14B 3 venant d'Australie:

Cool Un essai complet avec photos du fleuron de la gamme d'amplificateurs Bryston:

Il n'est jamais trop tard pour changer d'avis sur cette marque...  Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Un nouvel essai italien des blocs mono 7B sst3 avec des photos de l'intérieur Wink 
sacrés bestiaux  quand mêmeCool
Plus logeables que les gros 28B mais suffisamment puissants pour remuer les plus récalcitrantes des enceintes à bas rendement.
Un des meilleurs compromis pour une utilisation mixte HC/HIFI: transparence, puissance et dynamique Big Grin  
Bonne lecture Smile

Et un essai avec des TannoyGRF90:


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