08-24-2020, 10:24 AM
C'est bien First In First Out pour l'audio aussi, dans le buffer.
Audio-GD l'explique ainsi:
Full re-clocking process with FIFO design applicable on all inputs. This way the output data keeps fully synchronized with the clock signal to reject any jitter.
Audio-GD l'explique ainsi:
Full re-clocking process with FIFO design applicable on all inputs. This way the output data keeps fully synchronized with the clock signal to reject any jitter.
Préampli passif Hattor Big (Takman REX) w. Alim linéaire J92 Reddo Audio + Hattor tube stage (ECC82 GE Triple Mica) + Benchmark ahb2 - DAc AudioGD M7S - Lecteur Primare CD31 - Streamer Mano Ultra sur pieds Soundcare - Enceintes Dali Euphonia MS4 sur pieds Soundcare - Câblage hp Legato Referenza Superiore, modul Rastacable 4SE by Rastabill, Espace Musical Muse2 - Tidal Hifi et DD de 2To de zik