12-26-2017, 11:45 AM
Voilà ce que Jos de MH en dit:
"The DAC19 always uses the clock from its source; without their will be no sound.
PLL is a mechanism to keep clocks in synch. This is mainly for SPDIF and USB becuase both have a clock in the DAC.
All relies on the source clock, its a synchronous DAC.
PLL would not have (probalby) much effect on the I2S input.
The Mano sent real sample rate to the DAC19. If the media is 44.1 it will sent 44.1; it is 192kHz it sent 192kHz.
No manipulation of the digital signal. Just provide the digital signal as good as possible."
Chez moi le PLL à eu un énorme impact sur le son. Sur mon système, c'est mieux sans aucun jumper (donc oversampligx8 ) sur le DAC.
L'I2S permet d'envoyer exemple du DSD à ton dac s'il en permet le décodage.
Voilà ce que Jos de MH en dit:
"The DAC19 always uses the clock from its source; without their will be no sound.
PLL is a mechanism to keep clocks in synch. This is mainly for SPDIF and USB becuase both have a clock in the DAC.
All relies on the source clock, its a synchronous DAC.
PLL would not have (probalby) much effect on the I2S input.
The Mano sent real sample rate to the DAC19. If the media is 44.1 it will sent 44.1; it is 192kHz it sent 192kHz.
No manipulation of the digital signal. Just provide the digital signal as good as possible."
Chez moi le PLL à eu un énorme impact sur le son. Sur mon système, c'est mieux sans aucun jumper (donc oversampligx8 ) sur le DAC.
L'I2S permet d'envoyer exemple du DSD à ton dac s'il en permet le décodage.