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Node 2 passage en alimentation linéaire
Une ifi ne remplacera jamais une bonne alim lineaire.
Vu son prix et ses mesures, on aurait pu rêver .... mais non.
(04-24-2020, 10:18 PM)Pascal64 a écrit : Une ifi ne remplacera jamais une bonne alim lineaire.
Vu son prix et ses mesures, on aurait pu rêver .... mais non.

même avec un niveau de  bruit de 1micro volt ? Maintenant je m'interroge et je m'adresse aux électroniciens et informaticiens : en quoi une alimentation aussi exempte de bruit et dotée de gros transfos peut elle contribuer à l'amélioration d'un signal qui, somme toute, travaille en tout ou rien (0/1) ? Il y a qq chose qui m'échappe mais il doit y avoir une explication ...
 Node Icon - Heed Elixir -  Mogami - Atacama Nexxus 600 Hifi - Atohm Sirocco 1.24

I am developer of this module. I received information from Paul92 that such a topic has started here. If you have any questions, feel fre to ask. I will try to answer them.
Forgive me if I don't understand everything, because i don't know French and im using a translator to read your messages.
My website:
Hello, welcome here.
Do you project a Vault2 psu interface?
Nativ Vita - Deqx HDP-3 - Crown i-Tech 4x3500HD - JBL M2 DIY
Bluesound node2 - Audio GD M7 - LED 148 mu follower DIY - Quad 405 DIY - Ls3/5a DIY
Vault is a bit more challenging due to dual 5 and 12V power supply. There was no such demand in Poland so I did not analyze this device. I am currently at the stage of designing my own linear power supply, but due to the epidemic, the process is slightly delayed. When I finish the power supply, I can analyze the Vault topic. But let's be honest it can take up to 3 months.
My website:
I was about to ask the same question, i am also very interested if in the near future you develop an interface for the Vault 2, and 3 months seems like a reasonable time, you can count on me to buy it if you release it Wink
3 months is the time resulting mainly from tests. However, these are your devices, not mine and their safety is the most important for me. I would not like to expose you or myself to losses. The same conditions guided me when i was creating the module for Node.
My website:
I can't promise you to buy it for my vault if one day you make it. But i might be interested.
I've already order the psu interface for my node.
Nativ Vita - Deqx HDP-3 - Crown i-Tech 4x3500HD - JBL M2 DIY
Bluesound node2 - Audio GD M7 - LED 148 mu follower DIY - Quad 405 DIY - Ls3/5a DIY
(04-24-2020, 05:38 PM)Paul92 a écrit : Le voilà

Merci, commandée à l'instant

J'essaierai dans un premier temps avec mon alim IFI ....
 Node Icon - Heed Elixir -  Mogami - Atacama Nexxus 600 Hifi - Atohm Sirocco 1.24

(04-25-2020, 10:08 AM)condor64 a écrit :
(04-24-2020, 05:38 PM)Paul92 a écrit : Le voilà

Merci, commandée à l'instant

J'essaierai dans un premier temps avec mon alim IFI ....

IFi will definitely improve .I would not expect big step but it will be very audible. Mainly because Node factory integrated SMPU is very weak. Switching power supplies have the fact that when the load increases beyond a certain range, the noise also increases significantly, so i think that the 1 uV/Hz achieved in 9V IFI on 0,7A will be far from working on 5V under 1A load.
Personally, I use LPSU25 from (which is a great value for the price) and all measurements and comparisons graphs that are available on ebay were made with its use.
My website:

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