Hi Christian,
If your speakers need a lot of current I warmly recommend you to listen to the new Helixir Audio 500X amplifier.
A friend of mine just receive it to replace his Dartzeel CTH...just to give you an idea of the quality you can expect.
If your speakers need a lot of current I warmly recommend you to listen to the new Helixir Audio 500X amplifier.
A friend of mine just receive it to replace his Dartzeel CTH...just to give you an idea of the quality you can expect.
Pinkfaun 2.16 -> Helixir Audio HRDDAC -> Helixir DCSP -> Helixir HPLSD 500X -> Rubanoïdes
Ficelles: Plénitude Audio et Rastabill
Mon installation
Ficelles: Plénitude Audio et Rastabill
Mon installation