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Dacs Audio GD (19th, NFB1, Master 7, HE7...)

Dear Sir
The Singularity 19 can replace USB input with I2S, and also supports playback of DSD files.
Best regards

Je dois lui envoyer des photos de l'intérieur du DAC pour confirmation singularity 19 neutral.

Suite réponse 

Dear Sir

The Singularity 19 supports playing DSD files, but the machine is so old that I am not sure it will support DSD512. You can try playing DSD512 files from USB input.

Replacing the I2S requires no firmware update and can be replaced directly by following the markings on the circuit board.
Best regards
Corral MA 300 7G
Amp JSV Audio GDR-1 E E
Preampli Parasound halo P6
Dac Musician Pegasus 
Joueur DMP-A6
Phono AT LP 120_Thorens MM-08


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