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Demande d'aide REGLAGES MUTEC MC3+
Bonjour les gars :-) !,
& Bon Week-end à tous,

Je disposais sur la full doc .pdf des réglages spécifiques de la Mutec,
pour un usage sur lecteur ESOTERIC,
je l'ai égaré ! ;-),
Pourriez vous m'indiquer , svp, ?  le process, pour une calibration
à 22 Mhz , (je veut être certain de la manip.)....

Merci beaucoup pour votre assistance,
bien à vous,
w :-)

[Image: mini_984273IMG3074.jpg]
Youpee !!!, :-)
j'ai retrouvé,
c'est le 'bockson' ds mon iBooks :
Using external clock references for audio re-clocking
If you’d like to use a Word Clock or 10.0 MHz clock reference for the externally referenced re-clocking, you should make sure that particularly the phase noise near the carrier frequency (1-100 Hz range from the carrier frequency at 10.0 MHz) is very low. Because of the extremely low noise signal processing of the MC-3+USB, there is a risk of audibly worse signal performan- ce if the externally applied clock reference is too noisy.
Different DoP Standards
There are two different DoP code conventions. DSD data in a PCM stream will be identified with so called “markers”. The first (official) convention utilizes two alternating markers with the values 0x05 and 0xFA, also called DoP markers. The second convention uses a fixed marker with the value 0xAA, also called dCS marker. The MC-3+USB currently only supports the DoP marker convention.
Digital Audio Format Conversion
When running the MC-3+USB in »RE-CLK« mode and applying a digital audio reference in the AES3 or S/P-DIF formats, all digital audio outputs will transmit the source signal. Those signals at the outputs which are not of the same format as the reference signal will be converted in real-time in compliance with the AES3 – 1992/2003 and IEC 60958 standards. As such, the MC-3+USB acts as a digital audio format converter!
Selecting Clock Multipliers
Use the »MENU« key to navigate to the »CLOCK MULTIPLIERS« menu. Here you can select individual clock rate multiplication factors × 1, × 2, × 4, × 8, × 256 and × 512 for each Word Clock pair and (with limited options) for the digital audio outputs by toggling the »SELECT« key. The multipliers always refer to the base clock rate of the incoming reference signal or the selected clock rate of the internal ultra-low jitter clock generator (»CLOCK OUT«). Depending on the incoming or selected base clock frequency, the MC-3+USB is capable of covering 20 audio related clock rates from 32.0 kHz to 1.536 kHz, as well as 22.5792 MHz and 24.576 MHz, and the two so-called Super clocks at 11.2896 MHz and 12.288 MHz.
Selecting the »× 256 SC«, »× 256 WC«, and »× 512« clock multipliers
The »× 256 SC« setting, the so called Super Clock, was included for clocking older digidesign ProToolsTM systems and will be transmitted at both Word Clock output pairs with the appropriate dedicated output level. Depending on the base clock rate (44.1 kHz or 48.0 kHz) of the received or generated reference clock signal, the outputs will transmit a clock rate of 11.2896 MHz (44.1 kHz × 256) or 12.2880 MHz (48.0 kHz × 256).
Using the »× 256 WC« setting, the system will output the same clock signals as described above, but now with the standard Word Clock output level.
Selecting the »× 512« setting will provide the highest possible clock rates of the MC-3+USB at 22.5792 MHz and 24.576 MHz. These were intended for clocking particular digital audio interfaces such as the hiFace EVO by M2Tech or devices by Esoteric Audio such as the Grandioso D1, P1, P-02, K-05, K-05X, K-07, K-07X, as well as devices by TACT Audio.
Multiplying Digital Audo Signals
When a digital audio input has been selected as reference and one or both multiplication factors are set higher than × 1, the MC-3+USB will only output black frame signals (AES3 and S/P-DIF signals without audio content) at the audio outputs. A sam- pling rate conversion of the incoming digital audio signal will not be carried out!
Clock Rate Limit of the Digital Audio Outputs
The multiplication of the S/P-DIF (»3«) and AES3/11(»4«) digital audio outputs is limited to a maximum clock rate of 192.0 kHz regardless of the clock rate of the reference signal.

Status Information
The »STATUS« and »CLOCK IN« sections are strictly for monitoring the operational status of the MC-3+USB. They are not acces- sible for user adjustments via the keys.
The blue LED »LOCK MAIN REF« illuminates when the internal PLL circuit has detected a valid clock reference in the inco- ming clock, audio or USB stream signals. If the incoming signal is unstable or lost, the »LOCK MAIN REF« LED is not lit. The blue »LOCK RE-CLK REF« illuminates when the MC-3+USB is set to the externally referenced re-clocking mode (»RE-CLK« & »EXTERNAL«) and the internal PLL circuit has detected a valid clock reference. Again, the »LOCK RE-CLK REF« will not be lit in case of signal instabilities.
This red LED is lit when the external reference clock, audio signal or USB audio stream has been interrupted or lost. The fre- quency synthesizer of the MC-3+USB continues to generate all output clock signals based on the last valid incoming clock rate. Thus, your studio setup will receive a steady, disruption-free clock signal regardless of whether a valid external reference signal is present, unstable or potentially damaged. Once an external clock reference returns and has been detected as valid, re-syn- chronization is carried out without critically affecting or disrupting any of the output signals.
This red LED is lit when a valid AES3/11 or S/P-DIF optical or coaxial digital audio reference signal has been detected at the corresponding input.
The first row of LEDs in the »CLOCK IN« section indicates eligible DSD/DoP clock rates. These are:
DSD64, DSD128, DSD256 DoP64, DoP128
The second row of LEDs in the »CLOCK IN« section is used to indicate eligible Word Clock, audio, and USB-PCM clock rates (refer to page 23).
Generic Functions
There are two additional functions which influence the working of your whole MC-3+USB:
Supported Clock Rates for Word-Clock-, Audio- and USB-PCM Input Signals
32.0 kHz 44.1 kHz 48.0 kHz 88.2 kHz 96.0 kHz
176.4 kHz 192.0 kHz 1-10.0 MHz 11.2896 MHz 12.2880 MHz
pour infos,
w :-)

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