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Celui par lequel tout à commencé ...
Bonjour, Wink 
le 26 Avril, sortira une "box" comprenant un disque vinyle, deux CD et un single, ainsi qu'un livre et une affiche,
la version CD contient une foule de documents inédits et rares , y compris des démos de 1967, leur session BBC Top Gear de 1968
( incluant la version "perdue" de "Octopus") d'un des groupes qui ont inventé la musique progressive:

[Image: vander_spread600-1.jpg]

Van Der Graaf Generator: The Aerosol Grey Machine 50th Anniversary Edition

[Image: vander492.jpg]

Peter Hammill – lead vocals, acoustic guitar
Hugh Banton – organ, backing vocals, piano, percussion
Keith Ellis – bass
Guy Evans – drums, percussion
Additional personnel:
Jeff Peach – flute on "Running Back"
Chris Judge Smith – slide-saxophone and harmony vocals on "People You Were Going To", chorus vocals on "Firebrand"

[Image: VDGG.jpg]

CD 1


    Orthentian Street (Parts 1 & 2)
    Running Back
    Into A Game
    Ferret And Featherbird
    Aerosol Grey Machine
    Black Smoke Yen
    Giant Squid

CD 2

    Firebrand (1967 Demo) (Previously unreleased)
    Sunshine (1967 Demo) (Previously unreleased)
    People You Were Going To (BBC Session – November 1968)
    Afterwards (BBC Session – November 1968)
    Necromancer (BBC Session – November 1968)
    Octopus (BBC Session – November 1968) (Previously Unreleased)
    People You Were Going To (Single Version)
    Firebrand (Single Version)
Opposez-vous au transfert de vos coordonnées

"Les vinyles neufs qui sortent actuellement sont fait à 99,99% avec les mêmes fichiers numérique que ceux qui sont diffusés en streaming, gravés sur CD ou les fichiers eux-mêmes, vendu tel quel, par les maisons de disques ... et n'ont donc aucun intérêt ..."

Il est sorti !  Wink
Opposez-vous au transfert de vos coordonnées

"Les vinyles neufs qui sortent actuellement sont fait à 99,99% avec les mêmes fichiers numérique que ceux qui sont diffusés en streaming, gravés sur CD ou les fichiers eux-mêmes, vendu tel quel, par les maisons de disques ... et n'ont donc aucun intérêt ..."

Je sens que ça va faire un heureux ici....
pas moi car après le vinyle et le CD, j'arrête... ou j'irai m'abreuver à un petit ruisseau de montagne....
Question: y aura-t-il les CDs et les vinyles séparés car tout ensemble c'est un peu redondant... Et une édition HD?
Enceintes:Onken-Altec 416/Iwata-JBL2445Be/ T925; Tannoy K3838; ATC scm11;Triangle Comète; JM Lab Cobalt 816S
Amplis:Accuphase P102;Forté 4A;1A;Arpège Ref10,Atoll AM80,Hiraga 8W;FX802;MCR 510
Pré: PerreauxEP;Tact RCS 2.2X; Mytek Brooklyn DAC; Preamp passif CI Audio 
CD:Nuprime CD8T, BD:Oppo93 , ReavonUBR-X110 - Squeezebox Touch, SB III (x 3)
Vinyle:Thorens TD160 bras Lurné ;TD 165;V15 V15V, AT 440Mlb, DL103,pré pré Hiraga pré ADL GT40
Magnétos:K7 nakamich BX2,TEAC W-1200, Bandes TEAC 3340, 2300; Sony TC377;minidisc Sony MDS JE500

Merci pour cette info ! De mémoire j'ai une édition des années 70' de ce LPs que j'ai acheté vers 1980 Smile Je vais aller vérifier Wink

édit >>>> Vérification faite dans ma discothèque, j'ai une édition italienne, c'est un Vertigo de 1974

Vinyle Technics SL-1210G - Yamamoto HS-1A - Goldring 1042 MM - Musical Fidelity M6x VINYL
Numérique TASCAM CD-200SB - DAB+ radio Internet FM USB Fitzwilliam - DAC Cambridge DACMAGIC 1
Amplification PARASOUND HALO P6 - PAS audio 2002 PCA (grave) - Cary SLi50 (médium-aigu)
Ecoutes Klipsch Cornwall III (Faital Pro HF10AK - B&C DE120) - HifiMan SUNDARA - DT990
Salut VDGG,
tu l'as acheté ? J'ai les CDs téléchargés, j'ai comparé avec mon CD et je n'ai pas trouvé de différence notable.

A propos, connais-tu le coffret de 16 CDs (bootleg) nommé "Pilgrimage" ? c'est un bootleg, avec des versions alternatives ou live de vdgg ou de Hammill seul. Qualité sonore variable (mais correcte), très intéressant.

[Image: 3132085f2248418e6e7de80d3f1a670a.jpg]

Voici ce qu'écrivait celui qui avait posté ça:

Van Der Graaf Generator & Peter Hammill - 1970-1986 - Pilgrimage

Volume One (1970-1972)
01. Whatever Would Robert Have Said?
(Bremen Beat Club, April 5, 1970)
02. W
03. Killer
(BBC Live Session September 23, 1971)
04. White Hammer
05. Darkness 11/11
(Brescia, May 21, 1972)
06. After The Flood
(Basel, May 6, 1972)
07. Lost
08. Octupus Part I
09. Theme One
10. Octupus Part II
(Brescia, May 21, 1972)
11. Refugees
(Florence, February 14, 1972)

Volume Two (1972-1975)
01. German Overalls
(BBC John Peel Session November 6, 1973)
02. I Once Wrote Some Poems
(Delemont, December 29, 1973)
03. The Emperor In His War-Room
(BBC John Peel Session August 19, 1974)
04. Tapeworm
(Padova, December 11, 1973)
05. Slender Threads
(Genova, December 14, 1973)
06. What It's Worth
(Marquee Club, London, November 10, 1972)
07. Wilhelmina
(Liverpool, February 19, 1974)
08. Rubicon
09. (No More) The Submariner
10. Autumn
11. Forsaken GArdens
(Wigmore Hall, London, September 7, 1974)
12. Gog
(Birmingham, OCtober 10, 1975)
13. In The Black Room
(New Victoria Theatre, London, August 30, 1975)

Volume Three (1975)
01. Arrow
02. Faintheart And The Sermon
03. Lemmings
04. La Rossa
05. A House Is Not A Home
06. Scorched Earth
07. Man-Erg
(New Victoria Theatre, London, August 30, 1975)

Volume Four (1976)
01. Betrayed
02. Meurglys III, The SOngwriters Guild
03. This Is Me Dreaming
(New Theatre, Oxford, March 23, 1976)
04. Pilgrims
05. Childlike Faith In Childhood's End
(Roundhouse, London April 19, 1976)
06. Wondering
(Amsterdam, October 19, 1983)
07. When She COmes
(Beacon, NYC October 18, 1976)
08. Undercover Man
09. Masks
(Quebec, October 7, 1976)
10. The Sleepwalkers
(Rheims, December 8, 1976)

Volume Five (1977)
01. Pioneers Over C
(Victoria Palace, London, October 16, 1977)
02. Cat's Eyes / Yellow Fever (Running)
03. The Sphinx In The Face
04. Chemical World
05. The Habit Of A Broken Heart
(Hull, November 3, 1977)
06. Ship Of Fools
07. The Siren SOng
(Victoria Palace, London, October 16, 1977)
08. Lizard Play
09. Crying Wolf
(Plymouth, November 9, 1977)
10. Lost And Found
(Oslo, March 9, 1977)
11. Door
(Hull, November 3, 1977)

Volume Six (1978-1980)
01. Solitude
(Troubadour, L.A. February 2, 1978 - Early)
02. The Wave
03. (On Tuesdays She Used To Do) Yoga
(Troubadour, L.A. February 2, 1978 - Late)
04. Palinurus
(Troubadour, L.A. February 3, 1978 - Late)
05. The Second Hand
(Roxy, L.A. March 13, 1979)
06. Modern
(Bookies 870 CLub, Detroit, February 24, 1979)
07. Mediaevil
(BBC Session, September 12, 1979)
08. Porton Down
(BBC Session, September 24, 1979)
09. House With No Door
10. Easy To Slip Away
11. Been Alone So Long
(All Souls, Kansas City, February 16, 1978)
12. Nadir's Big Chance
(Bookies 870 CLub, Detroit, February 24, 1979)
13. Afterwards
14. In The End
(Troubadour, L.A. February 4, 1978)
15. Energy Vampires
16. Condor
17. Faculty X
(All Souls, Kansas City, February 16, 1978)
18. Tintagel
(BBC TV Play Away 1980)

Volume Seven (1981-1983)
01. My Room
02. The Cut
03. This Side Of The Looking Glass
04. Sitting Targets
05. Mr. X / Faculty X
(All Souls, Kansas City, August 28, 1981)
06. Not For Keith
(Bottom Line, NYC, August 24, 1981 - Late)
07. A Ritual Mask
(WOMAD, Shepton Mallet, July 18, 1982)
08. Fogwalking
(Royal COurt, Liverpool, April 14, 1983)
09. My Experience
10. Paradox Drive
(Athens, October 15, 1982)
11. The Spirit
(Groningen, October 30, 1982)
12. Modern
13. Patient
14. Film Noir
15. The Great Experiment
(Munich, November 4, 1982)

Volume Eight (1983-1985)
01. Jeunesse Doree
(Markthalle, Hamburg, April 26, 1983)
02. Seven Wonders
(Batschkapp, Frankfurt, May 8, 1983)
03. Empress Clothes
04. The MOebius Loop
(Colston Hall, Bristol, March 28, 1983)
05. Glue
06. Accidents
(The Sugarhouse, Lancaster, April 12, 1983)
07. Now More Than Ever
08. Traintime
09. Central Hotel
(Music Halle, Wurzburg, May 5, 1983)
10. Out Of My Book
11. The Comet, The Course, The Tail
(Bloomsbury Theater, London, July 27, 1984)
12. Just Good Friends
13. Don't Tell Me
(mannheim, March 14, 1985)
14. Time For A Change
15. Patient
16. Last Frame
(Vredenburg, Utrecht, March 19, 1985)
17. Mirror Images
(Chestnut Cabaret, Philadelphia, April 24, 1985)
18. Again
(Wolfgang's, San Francisco, April 28, 1985)

Volume Nine (1985-1986)
01. Four Pails
(Berlin, November 26, 1986)
02. Vision
03. Now Lover
04. The Mousetrap
05. After The Show
(Roxy, L.A. July 14, 1986 - Early)
06. The Lie
07. Flight
(Chestnut Cabaret, Philadelphia, April 24, 1985)
08. Nadir's Little Chance
(Wolfgang's, San Francisco, July 16, 1986)
09. Confidence
10. Sign
11. Ophelia
(Karlsruhe University, November 29, 1986)
12. Too Many Of My Yesterdays
(Vienna, November 20, 1986)

Volume Ten (1986)
01. Silver
(Vienna, November 20, 1986)
02. All Said And Done
03. Time Heads
04. The Future Now
05. Happy Hour
06. Shell
(Roxy, L.A. July 14, 1986 - Late)
07. Labour Of Love
(Roxy, L.A. July 14, 1986 - Early)
08. Still Life
(Roxy, L.A. July 14, 1986 - Late)
09. The Birds
(Vienna, November 20, 1986)
10. Skin
(Bloomsbury Theatre, London, November 7, 1986)
11. Other Old Circles
12. Losing Faith In WOrds
13. Stranger Still
14. Sleep Now
(Markthalle, Hamburg, November 23, 1986)
15. The Lady Sleeps
(Bottom Line, NYC, July 21, 1986)

Volume Eleven (1970 - 1974)
01. Killer
02. Whatever Would Robert Have Said
03. Squid 1 / Squid 2 / Octupus
(BBC In Concert, August 2, 1970)
04. An Epidemic Of Father Christmases
(BBC John Peel Session, December 14, 1971)
05. Aquarian
(Brescia, May 21, 1972)
06. Red Shift
(BBC John Peel Session, February 18, 1974)
07. Faint-Heart And The Sermon
(BBC John Peel Session, August 19, 1974)
08. A House Is Not A Home
(Wigmore Hall, London, September 7, 1974
09. (In The) Black Room
(Capital Radio Session, September 14, 1974)

Volume Twelve (1975 - 1976)
01. Forsaken Gardens
(Victoria Palace, London, July 27, 1975)
02. The Undercover Man
03. The Sleepwalkers
04. Pilgrims
(Victoria Palace, London, August 30, 1975)
05. Wondering
06. A Place To Survive
(Utrecht, September 24, 1976)
07. Arrow
08. Killer
(Beacon Theater, NYC, October 18, 1976)
09. Darkness
(Rheims, December 8, 1976)

Volume Thirteen (1968 - 1977)
01. Octupus
(BBC Session, November 18, 1968)
02. Theme One
03. Dambusters March
(BBC In Concert, September 23, 1971)
04. Boat Of A Million Years
(Zoffingen, November 18, 1973)
05. Pompeii
06. Shingle Song
(Commonwealth Institute, London, November 27, 1974)
07. My Room
(Oslo, March 9, 1977)
08. A Place To Survive
09. Meurglys III
(Volkshaus, Zurich, November 28, 1976)
10. Urban
(Oslo, March 9, 1977)

Volume Fourteen (1977 - 1978)
01. Rock And Role
02. Arrow
(Oslo, March 9, 1977)
03. Door
(Hull, November 3, 1977)
04. The Habit Of The Broken Heart
(Troubadour, L.A. February 2, 1978 - Late)
05. Betrayed
(Troubadour, L.A. February 3, 1978 - Late)
06. Mirror Images
07. Out Of My Book
(Troubadour, L.A. February 4, 1978)
08. Lizard Play
(All Souls, Kansas City, February 16, 1978)
09. Sci-Finance
10. Nadir's Big Chance
(Marquee, London, June 4, 1978)
11. A Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers / The Sleepwalkers
12. Easy To Slip Away
13. Refuges
(Cinema Outremont, Montreal, June 9, 1978)

Volume Fifteen (1979 - 1983)
01. Time Heads
02. The Birds
03. Last Frame
(Bookies 870 Club, Detroit, February 24, 1979)
04. Autumn
05. Afterwards
(All Souls, Kansas City, March 4, 1979)
06. The Second Hand
(Bataclan, Paris, January 28, 1980)
07. Hesitation
(Groningen, November 22, 1980)
08. The Spirit
(The Bottom Line, NYC, August 24, 1981 - Late)
09. In Slow Time
(BBC 1982)
10. Don't Tell Me
(Spinea, September 10, 1983)
11. Happy Hour
(Music Halle, Wurzburg, May 5, 1983)
12. Losing Faith In WOrds
13. Man-Erg
(Turin, July 19, 1980)
14. If I Could
15. Mediaevil
(Amsterdam, February 6, 1980)

Volume Sixteen (1983 - 1986)
01. The Jargon King
(Arbon, September 2, 1983)
02. Ophelia
03. The Comet, The Course, The Tail
(Kolinsburg, Stockholm, September 29, 1983)
04. Modern
05. The Mousetrap
(Mannheim, March 14, 1985)
06. The Future Now
(Vredenburg, Utrecht, March 19, 1985)
07. This Book
(London, December 12, 1984)
08. The Siren Song
(Amsterdam, April 8, 1984)
09. Vision
(London, July 27, 1984)
10. My Room
(Philadelphia, April 24, 1985)
11. Been Alone So Long
12. Porton Down
13. Four Pails
(Los Angeles, July 14, 1986)
14. Stranger Still
15. After The Show
(Vienna, November 20, 1986)

Original Notes:

Back in 1988 the Pawn Hearts Society put together two sets of tapes "Fragments Out Of Time" and "In Still Life". Between them there are live recordings of over 130 songs, at least one version of almost every song that Hammill or Van der Graaf Generator ever played live between 1970 and 1986. In total, there were twelve tapes, roughly 18 hours of music. Only one song was duplicated on the eight Fragments tapes; In Still Life had alternate versions together with a few songs that were missed off Fragments due to lack of space.
(A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers was deliberatly left off the tapes as the only version that exists is the well known TV performance.)

The performances are arranged chronologically, as much as possible by grouping of period of performance. Songs that were rarely performed tend to show up in the period in which they first appeared on vinyl. As you would expect the sound quality varies, I would grade most of the tracks as B/B+ with some slightly better, and some - mainly the early Hammill solo performances - generally not quite as good: their main deficiency being some slight tape hiss.

I received a cd-r copy of these tapes (#95/100) a few years ago. I have removed tracks that have been officially released on The Box and Margin+ and slightly re-ordered the running order to maintain the period chronology once the tracks were on 80 minute discs instead of 90 minute tapes. Where space permitted I've
added additional tracks from the appropriate period. Some of these are alternative versions but others are ones that were simply not included on the original tapes: these were identified in a review in the Pilgrims fanzine having read the article I went out of my way to trade for copies of the shows where the missing songs were performed. I have not replaced any tracks with newer versions of the same show (e.g., the Basel 72 tracks are the ones I originally received rather than the calayx1 remaster).

There were some speed problems on the discs when I received them, which I attempted to correct through a combination of listening and comparing the running times listed on the tape artwork, although the latter couldn't always be relied upon. The first 12 volumes were torrented on STG in late 2003/early 2004 by someone who received an audio copy of the discs from me. This flushed out a few more speed problems which I have - hopefully -fixed. For this version I have made a few more corrections, using other versions of songs as a comparison.

In all there will be sixteen discs to this set - the first ten cover the Fragments tapes and the remaining six In Still Life; these come from the original shn files I circulated which I have now converted. The tape artwork includes comments as well as the original track listing. (included in a separate rar file)

Thanks go to all the tapers over the years, the pawn hearts society, the original seeder and anyone else involved in producing or upgrading this set.

Enceintes:Onken-Altec 416/Iwata-JBL2445Be/ T925; Tannoy K3838; ATC scm11;Triangle Comète; JM Lab Cobalt 816S
Amplis:Accuphase P102;Forté 4A;1A;Arpège Ref10,Atoll AM80,Hiraga 8W;FX802;MCR 510
Pré: PerreauxEP;Tact RCS 2.2X; Mytek Brooklyn DAC; Preamp passif CI Audio 
CD:Nuprime CD8T, BD:Oppo93 , ReavonUBR-X110 - Squeezebox Touch, SB III (x 3)
Vinyle:Thorens TD160 bras Lurné ;TD 165;V15 V15V, AT 440Mlb, DL103,pré pré Hiraga pré ADL GT40
Magnétos:K7 nakamich BX2,TEAC W-1200, Bandes TEAC 3340, 2300; Sony TC377;minidisc Sony MDS JE500

Non, je ne l'ai pas encore acheté, merci pour l'info Pilgrimage, je vais chercher.  Wink

EDIT: J'ai trouvé !  Rolleyes
Opposez-vous au transfert de vos coordonnées

"Les vinyles neufs qui sortent actuellement sont fait à 99,99% avec les mêmes fichiers numérique que ceux qui sont diffusés en streaming, gravés sur CD ou les fichiers eux-mêmes, vendu tel quel, par les maisons de disques ... et n'ont donc aucun intérêt ..."

Alors, tu l'as ?
Enceintes:Onken-Altec 416/Iwata-JBL2445Be/ T925; Tannoy K3838; ATC scm11;Triangle Comète; JM Lab Cobalt 816S
Amplis:Accuphase P102;Forté 4A;1A;Arpège Ref10,Atoll AM80,Hiraga 8W;FX802;MCR 510
Pré: PerreauxEP;Tact RCS 2.2X; Mytek Brooklyn DAC; Preamp passif CI Audio 
CD:Nuprime CD8T, BD:Oppo93 , ReavonUBR-X110 - Squeezebox Touch, SB III (x 3)
Vinyle:Thorens TD160 bras Lurné ;TD 165;V15 V15V, AT 440Mlb, DL103,pré pré Hiraga pré ADL GT40
Magnétos:K7 nakamich BX2,TEAC W-1200, Bandes TEAC 3340, 2300; Sony TC377;minidisc Sony MDS JE500

Le coffret, non je ne l'ai pas, mais je l'ai écouté, en effet, pas d'énorme différence, le second CD est intéressant pour les "inédits"; pour "le Pilgrimage", je l'ai trouvé et j'ai commencé à écouter, le son est "moyen" sur les premiers morceaux, on verra par la suite ...
Opposez-vous au transfert de vos coordonnées

"Les vinyles neufs qui sortent actuellement sont fait à 99,99% avec les mêmes fichiers numérique que ceux qui sont diffusés en streaming, gravés sur CD ou les fichiers eux-mêmes, vendu tel quel, par les maisons de disques ... et n'ont donc aucun intérêt ..."

Pour les enregistrements fait à la BBC, ceux-ci sont bien meilleur:

[Image: R-6942924-1430059561-2558.jpeg.jpg]

[Image: R-6942924-1430059579-8623.jpeg.jpg]
Opposez-vous au transfert de vos coordonnées

"Les vinyles neufs qui sortent actuellement sont fait à 99,99% avec les mêmes fichiers numérique que ceux qui sont diffusés en streaming, gravés sur CD ou les fichiers eux-mêmes, vendu tel quel, par les maisons de disques ... et n'ont donc aucun intérêt ..."


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