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Comparaisons Logitech<>UPnP<>Roon<>BluOS
C'est un RoonBridge. Cela fonctionne comme peut le faire une simple RPi4 qui intègre le package de gestion RAAT.
Par contre, ce n'est pas un "device RoonReady" reconnu par Roon avec la petite icône qui va bien (et le label de garantie Roon... qui n'est pas gratuit.
Bref, ça fonctionne tout pareil (heureusement) sinon Roon aurait du mal à s'étendre.
Pour faire simple... c'est reconnu comme un ordi pas comme une boîte audio où les autocollants rajoutent des $$.

Voilà c'est Brian qui le dit (who is Brian ?)  Big Grin

Citation :Think of the RAAT SDK as a building block for making stuff that speaks the RAAT protocol.

We used the RAAT SDK to build Roon Bridge, and partners use the RAAT SDK to build audio products. We also used the RAAT SDK to build our iOS/Android implementations inside of Roon Remote, and the same for Windows/Mac Roon apps.
The underlying code that speaks RAAT is the same in all cases. The benefit of Roon Ready products is:
  • The end-to-end experience is reviewed, iterated on, and certified here at Roon Labs
  • Partners are required to implement certain features like convenience switching, standby controls, volume controls from Roon, etc as part of the certification process. The RAAT SDK has all of the right extension points to make this possible.
  • Roon Ready products are generally more optimized for audio use cases than computers.
The most important benefit is the first one–we go out of our way to ensure a consistent/reliable experience with Roon Ready products. Aside from that, if you are comparing to a “simple” Roon Ready product that is doing nothing more than bridging to a USB DAC, the primary benefit is the last one–optimized hardware. Offering the SDK to manufacturers gives them more power to integrate product features, in return for the obligation to get that integration certified before releasing it.

Bref, ça fonction... "finger in the nose" !!
! Mon installation !
ROON + HQP / Hdplex H3-i5 > DST-00 Diretta > HOLO Spring 3 > SQM > Benchmark AHB2 / Recital Audio Illumine HEFA // Upload IMG  // 

Messages dans ce sujet
Comparaisons Logitech<>UPnP<>Roon<>BluOS - par bbill - 10-23-2020, 08:58 PM
RE: Comparaisons Logitech<>UPnP<>Roon<>BluOS - par zaurux - 01-17-2022, 03:55 PM

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