(01-20-2021, 10:11 PM)sbringer a écrit : D'ailleurs on n'a pas de nouvelles de notre ami polonais quand à son alim ultra
So... work is delayed a bit. Both for covid-19 and other personal reasons. Currently, the development of the "ultra" power supply is on hold. We are still working on the standard power supply.
The goal was to compete standard psu in quality with the popular Sbooster power supply at a lower price. We produced a few production samples, and then a small series of a power supplies that where tested in wide user group, and they where currently only available in Poland. We already know what to improve and what else to work on. Now we are working on changing the housing and isolating the transformer from the rest of the electronics. The new housing will have a separate steel compartments: one for the transformer and AC section, and second for DC section (the goal was to achieve stable noise up to high loads, but transformer under heavy load negatively affects electronics and noise performance).
After this change, the power supplies will meet desired target and will be more widely available. When we will have upgraded housing, we will resume work on the "ultra" power supply.
Best regards, and all the best in this year. I hope that it will be better for all of you.
My website: http://pd-cf.com/