Hello. Juste une petite copie de la review 6 moons sur ces Boenicke w8 pour être précis sur les conseils donnés :
« Crazy? Perhaps. But the outcome is far better than anything else I've tried. If I had to sit one meter from the W8 to afford three times more space behind them, I'd gladly do it instead of the opposite. This is crucial and more so than with any other speakers I've had the pleasure to deal with. After a fair number of W8 auditions in several places, I tend to think that my own four walls are the absolute minimum. 50m² won't be any issue, that's a given. Come to think of it, under such conditions they would probably spread their wings much wider still. Therefore, the major rule of thumb for the W8 is this: the bigger the room, the better the sound. The second matter is woofer orientation. In or out?
Since the Boenicke W8 are unusual in general, exactly this kind of exploratory approach is needed to make them work optimally. This isn't an easy-going speaker. By that one should simply understand that rather demanding space requirements must be met, otherwise the outcome will be heavily bottlenecked. To paint that in hard numbers, a 50-centimetre distance to the front and side walls won't do. Here the W8's appetite is virtually limitless"
« Crazy? Perhaps. But the outcome is far better than anything else I've tried. If I had to sit one meter from the W8 to afford three times more space behind them, I'd gladly do it instead of the opposite. This is crucial and more so than with any other speakers I've had the pleasure to deal with. After a fair number of W8 auditions in several places, I tend to think that my own four walls are the absolute minimum. 50m² won't be any issue, that's a given. Come to think of it, under such conditions they would probably spread their wings much wider still. Therefore, the major rule of thumb for the W8 is this: the bigger the room, the better the sound. The second matter is woofer orientation. In or out?
Since the Boenicke W8 are unusual in general, exactly this kind of exploratory approach is needed to make them work optimally. This isn't an easy-going speaker. By that one should simply understand that rather demanding space requirements must be met, otherwise the outcome will be heavily bottlenecked. To paint that in hard numbers, a 50-centimetre distance to the front and side walls won't do. Here the W8's appetite is virtually limitless"
Système (ici) : Ampli Kinki EX M1, enceintes Martin Logan ESL X, dac B.Audio B.dac One EX, serveur PC fanless i7 (GentooPlayer + Minimserver + JPlay), switch Lhy sw6 + FMC Lhy