une comparaison vue dans la presse.. et on parle bien de différences subtiles :
"Regular readers will know that I recently noticed that Roon did not sound quite as crispy and articulate as UPnP. As a result, I re-assessed all of my playback options and found that there are subtle differences from method to method (MPD, UPnP, Squeezelite) but Roon was the one standing out negatively for appearing somewhat thickened and crushed dynamically."
leur solution :
"This is really rather unfortunate because the Roon interface is so great. Fortunately, if you don’t want to switch to UPnP or MPD, there is a very easy solution. Ever since its inception, Roon has been working hard to be compatible with just about every hardware device and streaming format out there and that includes Squeezelite. As can be read in the K50 instructions, many users opt to combine the Roon server with the Squeezelite Player to achieve the best of both worlds."
et le résultat :
"When comparing Roon Server + Roon Player to Roon Server + Squeezelite, the aforementioned Roon effect is not fully gone but the bass tightens up, transients become faster and the entire presentation just becomes a little bit directer and clearer – importantly, while retaining 100% of the organic naturalness."
l'alternative UPnP :
"If you want the absolute maximum in tightness, articulation, transparency and purity then MPD is the way to go. But that does mean that Roon cannot be used." voir à hifi-advice
"Regular readers will know that I recently noticed that Roon did not sound quite as crispy and articulate as UPnP. As a result, I re-assessed all of my playback options and found that there are subtle differences from method to method (MPD, UPnP, Squeezelite) but Roon was the one standing out negatively for appearing somewhat thickened and crushed dynamically."
leur solution :
"This is really rather unfortunate because the Roon interface is so great. Fortunately, if you don’t want to switch to UPnP or MPD, there is a very easy solution. Ever since its inception, Roon has been working hard to be compatible with just about every hardware device and streaming format out there and that includes Squeezelite. As can be read in the K50 instructions, many users opt to combine the Roon server with the Squeezelite Player to achieve the best of both worlds."
et le résultat :
"When comparing Roon Server + Roon Player to Roon Server + Squeezelite, the aforementioned Roon effect is not fully gone but the bass tightens up, transients become faster and the entire presentation just becomes a little bit directer and clearer – importantly, while retaining 100% of the organic naturalness."
l'alternative UPnP :
"If you want the absolute maximum in tightness, articulation, transparency and purity then MPD is the way to go. But that does mean that Roon cannot be used." voir à hifi-advice