En attendant depuis que j'ai cherché à me caler au plus prés de la méthode CARDAS (que j'ai découvert ici par hasard merci CHET) j'ai gagne sur bcp de plans ,notamment :
-profondeur et spatialisation en tête
-Effacement enceintes et murs latéraux et arrière
Ce sans rien perdre par ailleurs ce qui est plutôt inattendu et positif
D'ailleurs en relisant la notice ATC il est intéressant de constater que c'est plus dans ce sens (CARDAS ) que le placement est conseillé que contre ou prés d'un mur ..
Je ne pense pas que ce soit un effet de mode ..Mais plus une prise de conscience individuelle ...
Si j'avais su ET lu cela avec plus d'attention depuis le temps que je les utilise .. mal !
je suis désormais fully in accordance with ATC monitor Placement recommandations and they're matched better
Monitor Placement
The subjective performance of any monitor loudspeaker will be
fundamentally influenced by the acoustic character of the room
in which it is used, and its position within the room. Most often
monitors are installed in rooms which are comfortable to sit and
talk in. A mixture of carpets, curtains and soft furnishings will
help ensure that middle and high frequencies are reasonably well
controlled. There may however, be low frequency problems;
either too much or too little bass. To minimize lower frequency
problems the monitors should be kept away from corners or
walls. Start with them positioned around 1 metre from the side
walls and 2 metres from the back. If the balance is bass-light, the
monitors can be moved towards the back walls.
For stereo listening, loudspeakers should be positioned so
they form an equilateral triangle with the listening position
Fig. 1
). For surround sound listening, position
loudspeakers according to
Fig. 2
. Loudspeaker
stand height should be chosen to position the loudspeaker
acoustic axis at, or close to ear level. (See
Fig. 3
All rooms vary and it is a good idea to experiment with both
the listening and speaker position until a good compromise is
reached. For professional installations the requirements are often
very specific. Please consult with an experienced professional
acoustician if necessar
-profondeur et spatialisation en tête
-Effacement enceintes et murs latéraux et arrière
Ce sans rien perdre par ailleurs ce qui est plutôt inattendu et positif
D'ailleurs en relisant la notice ATC il est intéressant de constater que c'est plus dans ce sens (CARDAS ) que le placement est conseillé que contre ou prés d'un mur ..
Je ne pense pas que ce soit un effet de mode ..Mais plus une prise de conscience individuelle ...
Si j'avais su ET lu cela avec plus d'attention depuis le temps que je les utilise .. mal !
je suis désormais fully in accordance with ATC monitor Placement recommandations and they're matched better
Monitor Placement
The subjective performance of any monitor loudspeaker will be
fundamentally influenced by the acoustic character of the room
in which it is used, and its position within the room. Most often
monitors are installed in rooms which are comfortable to sit and
talk in. A mixture of carpets, curtains and soft furnishings will
help ensure that middle and high frequencies are reasonably well
controlled. There may however, be low frequency problems;
either too much or too little bass. To minimize lower frequency
problems the monitors should be kept away from corners or
walls. Start with them positioned around 1 metre from the side
walls and 2 metres from the back. If the balance is bass-light, the
monitors can be moved towards the back walls.
For stereo listening, loudspeakers should be positioned so
they form an equilateral triangle with the listening position
Fig. 1
). For surround sound listening, position
loudspeakers according to
Fig. 2
. Loudspeaker
stand height should be chosen to position the loudspeaker
acoustic axis at, or close to ear level. (See
Fig. 3
All rooms vary and it is a good idea to experiment with both
the listening and speaker position until a good compromise is
reached. For professional installations the requirements are often
very specific. Please consult with an experienced professional
acoustician if necessar
Il m'arrive rarement d'admettre des choses sans les comprendre totalement ..
Mais cela m'arrive !
Mais cela m'arrive !