(12-04-2018, 12:56 PM)audyart a écrit : Le résultat s'observe sur la réponse transitoire
si je reprends le texte qui accompagne les dernières mesures Stereophile, cela semble excellent..
"Turning to the time domain, the Technics' step response on the tweeter axis (fig.6) reveals that both drive-units are connected in positive acoustic polarity and that the tweeter's output leads that of the woofer. However, the seamless blend between the decay of the tweeter's step and the start of the woofer's step implies optimal crossover design. The cumulative spectral-decay plot (fig.7) is impressively clean.
The Technics SB-C700's measured performance reveals some excellent audio engineering from an unexpected source. I am not surprised HR liked"
tu pensais, par exemple, à quelles enceintes de ce type qui feraient mieux ?