Le Forum Indépendant de la Hifi et des Audiophiles

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Good morning all,,
Reader for several years of this forum, I finally decided to create an account.

A great lover of classical music, but a tenant of a small apartment, I had never bothered to invest in a HIFI system until now.
https://speedtest.vet/ https://vidmate.bid/ 
But after a move and a 30m2 living room, I want to build a HIFI system that will allow me to listen to my music whether on Qobuz or on my Synology NAS and without accumulating devices.
I don't know yet if this is possible, and before going to throw myself in the auditoriums and in the stores, I would like to sharpen my knowledge and see a little more clearly on the market of the HIFI and the dematerialization. Looking forward to.
Hi Jinesh, you are welcome.
Where are you locate ?